I liked the piece, It was great, music would've been nice. And It would have been fabulous if you included color, Even though it makes it take 10x longer to make the project, it looks really good. This was good, keep up the great work.
I liked the piece, It was great, music would've been nice. And It would have been fabulous if you included color, Even though it makes it take 10x longer to make the project, it looks really good. This was good, keep up the great work.
That was, In general, a nice movie, and I'm surprised that I actually liked it. The sprite animation could have used some work, but, other than that, it was nice
Thank you for your review.
Good work Krinkels, keep up the good work. A suggestion to you is to do a 30 minute flash movie of just madness. Something we will remember!
I really really hope this happens when it turns 2012.
That was pretty cool, I will say. It was a great original idea, something you could've done differently, was to change the music played during every round. That one track was a very good choice as fighting music, but it got old. Also, the animation was good, but I have this feeling thing it could've been better. Besides that, the length of the movie was decent, the content was "Surprisingly entertaining" just as cerebus1 said, and yeah. Good job, I'm looking foward to seeing the next movie you create, because this one was very nice.
Thank you very much.
I agree on the music, for the sequel I'm considering to change it entirely, but perhaps It'll stay the same way. We'll see! Thanks for pointing that out, though.
Original idea? Yeah, personally I love this kind of flash (especially If It's better made than mine^^) - a "stick" tournament, but there's very few around :(
The length - Yeah, but for some selfcritism I believe I should have made Dennis Versus Mattias longer (10 secs, lol :D, but Mattias was an obvious winner that fight!) - and the Finalé should definitely have been longer. I mean, It's the finalé, right?
And the very last round included in my selfcritism - Jack VS Lukas, was pretty short, and nothing much happened. Jack is me ^^
SURPRISINGLY ENTERTAINING, EH? Yeah, I know, I thought it was going to go to hell, but here it is - and Hell will have to do without it!
One word, Epic. [ Could've been longer though. ]
I'm a flash developer.
Joined on 11/7/09